Thursday, 16 February 2017

UV Unwrapping the Character

Face UV mapping

For the face I decided to learn how to do a more complicated UV map to add more freedom when painting the face. The process involved using the automatic mapping on the face and then stitching it and unwrapping is as I went along.

The next step was to stitch the two sides of the face together and then stretching out the UVs.
Lastly I used a tool called unwrap that automatically soften out the map.

Finished face UV map

Using Photoshop the skin and hair has been painted in simple texture. The map will go through more alterations in the future. I hope to add more attention to detail in the texturing.

update 06/03/2017
I eventually went back and improved the texturing of both the face and clothes here is an update of the character using the the mental ray skin shader.

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