The Dialogue I chose:
"The kind of ass I've had to put up with from you people! You ponce in here expecting to be hand-waited on hand and foot! I'm trying to run a hotel here!"
The dialogue may be changed or expanded to make it make sense in context
The challenge with this speech is it is 22 words in 12 seconds There is quite allot of dialogue. The first challenge will be planning out the primary action influenced by John Cleese manerisms. He is shouting allot so the mouth will have to stretch down more on the stronger words.If I model him with arms it will allow more expression since Cleese uses his hands shoulders and arms allot to express emotions such as anger, embarrassment or anxiety.
A storyboard will be developed influenced by mannerisms and reactions of John Cleese. animation methods from cartoons like looney toons will allow me to abstract his actions adding more exaggeration to this already hilarious performance.
Video Analysis
At the start at 0:22 he is quiet for a second. This is a form of anticipation almost like a pressure cooker about to blow up. his head hunches down anticipating the first buzz word. He also bobs his head slightly to his left. when he says "ass" 0:23 He turns round homing towards the guests on his right there also a slight shake of his head before he turns. This is a more subtle gesture of anticipation. The reaction of some the guests shows shock which adds to the comedy value. also adding to the staging of the gag and the exaggeration. Next as he says "I've had to put up with from you people" 0:25 he raises his shoulders arms by his side. There is a secondary action of his fingers tapping impatiently while staged with the fists showing. This is a psychological gesture representing basil's impatience and bottled up rage being released after so long. His face is red with rage and his eyebrows are tense and uncomfortable. His eyes are fierce in there expression. His overall posture is straight and therefore shows power. Next at 0:27 he takes a deep breath in anticipation while moving his arm towards his stomach and rising his shoulders. Next he booms out "You ponce in here expecting to be waited on hand and foot" while he slowly brushes his arm forward in a dramatic fashion. at 0:31 he again taps his fingers before bring his whole body forward as he says "Well I'm trying to run a hotel here"
So knowing this I know that the animation will only need to move into couple of different gestures and poses. Too many different movements would make the animation less readable and therefore less engaging.
The use of the mild cuss word shows that this maybe would be a PG animation and therefore the animation should cater to that style of audience of older kids teens and adults. However it is still pretty tame and some films still get away with being a U. For example Aardman's (Pirates with in an Adventure with Scientists)
The Plan
Since the crowd react to his outburst of "ass" The effect could be used with a sudden camera shake to add the impact created in the video.
At the beginning of the animation he could be staged on a profile view First some anticipation and then when he says "ass" his head would jolt forward so he is looking right into the camera.
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